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    配方类型: PAPER
    配方说明: Clay-Starch Paper Coating Color
    配方组成: "Calgon"/2
    "Veegum" T/4 to 24
    Coating Clay/1000
    配制方法: Dissolve the Calgon in the water, then add and disperse the "Veegum" T, the clay, and the starch, in that order. Heat the dispersion to 190'F, hold for 10 min, cool to room temperature, screen through 100 mesh.
    In this formula, "Veegum" T is used as a plasticizer for the starch, a rheological control agent for the coating color, and to improve water retention of the coating.
    In addition, a "Veegum" T dispersion may be used alone, or with an organic film former such as starch, for size press or calender stack application to paper or paperboard. Such application has substantially improved surface characteristics and printability.

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