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    配方说明: Cement Underlayment Compound
    配方组成: "Dylex" Latex KCD-254B (51%)/40 Parts By Wt
    Water/44 Parts By Wt
    Underlayment Mix*/400 Parts By Wt
    *Ready-mix composed of Type I portland cement, fine sand, and limestone.
    配制方法: Latex Solids In Compound: 4.5% Fluidity of Mix: Good working consistency, smooth, no foam Approximate Setting Times, minutes (Point Depression on Surface): Initial, 70; Final, 120 Appearance of Cast Slab: Smooth and hard surface free of foam pits Adhesion: To wood and concrete, excellent Mixing and Application: The preparation of "Dylex" KCD-254B modified cements is relatively simple. The latex may be used as received or diluted with water to a lower solids. When adding latex to sand-cement mixes, it is important that the water content of the sand be compensated for.
    "Dylex" KCD-254B modified portland cement mixes can be prepared by conventional methods. It is recommended that the latex be added at the job site when ready-mix equipment is used.
    Latex-modified cements should be applied to clean surfaces. In patching or resurfacing applications, loose sections of concrete should be chipped out and the area thoroughly cleaned.

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