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    配方说明: Epoxy Casting Resin
    配方组成: Octylene Oxide/10.0
    The reactants are mixed and cured for 2 hr at 85'C and 4.5 hr at
    150'C. This system is fluid at room temperature and has a pot life of
    about 24 hr at 25'C.
    2) with Phthalic Anhydride
    Epoxy Resin (Epoxide equivalent 175-210)/100
    Octylene Oxide/10
    Phthalic Anhydride/75
    Benzyl Dimethylamine/0.5
    Diethylene Triamine/10.6
    Epoxy Resin (Epoxide equivalent 175-210)/100.0
    Epoxy Resin (Epoxide equivalent 175-210)/100
    Methyl "nadic" Anhydride/85
    Octylene Oxide/10
    Benzyl Dimethyl Amine/2
    配制方法: The components are mixed and warmed to dissolve the phthalic anhydride. The curing cycle is 8 hr at 150'C.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码