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    配方说明: Releasing Agents for Molding Rubber
    配制方法: Recent work with "Carbowax" 4000 dioleate and "Carbowax" 1000 distearate has indicated that they are efficient releasing agents and lubricants for molds for synthetic rubber. Both appear to be satisfactory for all types of foam rubber, but "Carbowax" 1000 distearate is somewhat better for neoprene. They are applied by spraying or brushing from a 5% (by weight) solution in ethanol, which is made by stirring the ester into the warmed alcohol. The solutions of "Carbowax" have been used on cold molds with no difficulty experienced for forming a thin film. The alcohol evaporates rapidly.
    Similar results have been obtained by the use of 5% water dispersions of these esters. These must be heated with the water to a fairly high temperature and then stirred until the dispersion is cooled so that it is completely homogeneous. When hot molds are used, the water dispersion appears to be satisfactory because the water will evaporate fairly rapidly.

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