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    配方说明: Alkaline Descaling of Rust
    配方组成: Sodium Gluconate/20.0
    Soda Ash/3.5
    Heavy periodic reverse current, cooling to about 125'F (to reduce
    hydrolysis of NaCN to ammonia), 3 minutes immersion. The EDTA
    derivatives serve to speed up the action of the "Seqlene" and in this
    concentration will not cause etching nor darkening of the work. Various
    plants use minor variations of this formula; e.g., 1 lb NaCN/gal with
    0.75 lb NaOH/gallon. A source of current at 6 or 12 v is required and
    current density should be not less than 50 amperes/sq ft. A common cycle
    is 20 seconds direct, 10 seconds reverse.
    A promising experimental formulation, to avoid the NaCN and current, is
    (to gallon) 2 lb NaOH, 1 lb "Seqlene" 540, 1 lb EDTA. Conditions: 200'F,
    30 minutes immersion.
    The life of the bath in this process is still unknown. Most present
    users have yet to dump a bath, merely adding make-up cyanide, caustic
    and chelating agents. No way has yet been found to regenerate the
    "Seqlene" (b
    配制方法: Use 1-3 lb to gallon, at room temperature, 1-24 hr or 3-5 lb to gallon, 180' to boiling, 2-30 minutes.

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