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    配方说明: To Clean Optical Glass
    配制方法: Add 10 cc of "Tergitol" No.4 to about 900 cc of distilled water.
    Shake well; then add 20 cc of butyl acetate. Add water to make 1000 cc.
    Sodium fluorescein may be added to this solution to make it visible onn glass.
    Spray this on the glass with an atomizer and wipe it off mains, blow it off with an ear syringe or atomizer bulb. This cleaner contains a wetting agent and a low-vaporpressure liquid. The wetting agent must be an emulsifier for organic solvent, insoluble or slightly soluble in water. The organic solvent should dissolve fatty acids and grease.
    Other solvents that may be used are methyl "Cellosolve," butyl "Cellosolve," ethyl formate, cyclohexanol, and ethyl lactate.

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