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    配方说明: Household Bleach
    配方组成: Moisture/0.9
    Normal usage of a dry chlorine bleach by the housewife requires a
    concentration of 50 to 100 ppm available chlorine in the wash water for
    bleaching and removal of stains. To remove stubborn stains, soaking in
    solutions of higher available chlorine content may be necessary.
    In packaging household bleaches based on chlorinated cyanuric acid, a
    foil laminated or foil overwrap carton is suggested.
    Formula No.3 (Concentrated
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate/15
    "Dantoin" or "Halane"/30
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate/40
    85% Alkylaryl Sulfonate/15
    85% Sodium Toluenesulfonate/15
    Alkylaryl Sulfonate/5
    Anhydrous Sodium Sulfate/80
    Sodium Tripolyphosphate/30.3
    "santomerse" 85/1.9
    Sodium Sulfate/53.5
    配制方法: Grind the first ingredient in a ball mill or in a corrosion-resistant hammer mill and mix well with the other ingredients.

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