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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Rubber Tape Sealant
    配方组成: Mineral Rubber/14.0
    Hard Clay/9.5
    Butyl Reclaim/9.0
    Roll Opening, 0.030 inch
    Roll Temperature, 240-250'F*
    "Nebony" 100/2.5
    See NOTE under Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives, No.7.
    Calcium Silicate/10.0
    "X-743 Plasticizing Oil"/17.0
    The GR-1-15 and butyl reclaim are banded on the mill rolls. The
    calcium silicate, hard clay, R-29 "Neville" Resin-25', "X-743
    Plasticizing Oil," mineral rubber and "Nebony" 100 are added in that
    Formula No.
    R-16-A "Neville" Resin/80
    Rubber Reclaim/10 to 20
    R-29 "Neville" Resin, 25'/13.0
    "LX-77 Oil" 0 to 10
    配制方法: The reclaim is milled onn a heated two-roll mill. The resin is added to the reclaim along with the "LX-77 Oil."

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