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    配方说明: Bleaching Cream
    配方组成: Distilled Water/667
    Formula No.
    b: Glycerol/100
    Distilled Water/625
    Paraffin Oil/10
    c: Bismuth Oxychloride/100
    Zinc Peroxide/60
    d: Rose White 08272 (Perfume)/5
    Cetyl Alcohol/40
    Isopropyl Myristate/10
    Sorbitol Solution/40
    Diglycol Stearate/120
    a: Glyceryl Monostearate/110
    White Petrolatum/20
    Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulfate/13
    Mineral Oil/30
    Stearyl Alcohol/40
    Beeswax, White/10
    配制方法: Heat a and b separately to about 70'C, and stir b into a. Take a small part of this mixture, pre-mix it with c, and then stir this pre-mixed batch into the rest of the mixture. Then add c and continue stirring until cool.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码