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    配方说明: Lipsticks
    配方组成: The pouring, cooling, and finishing of lipsticks involves many
    tricks, expedients and manual skills, and they are not easily described.
    The temperature at which the excipient should be poured into molds
    varies, as it depends on the melting point. The molds must be absolutely
    clean; this is of far greater importance than the old question of
    whether the mold should be lubricated with paraffin oil or silicone oil,
    or whether it is better to sprinkle them lightly with talc (a practice
    which has not been successful at all).
    "Flaming" of lipsticks in order to efface spots and fingerprints is done
    mechanically in the bigger plants: placed on sockets, the lipsticks
    travel along moving belts, slowly turning on their own axis, through an
    electric arc whose heat radiation is adjusted to the melting point of
    the lipsticks. Inn all positions the distance from the heat sources
    inside the electric arc at which they are placed is about the same. By
    this m
    配制方法: Dissolve the bromo acids in the melted fat mixture of "Loramin" wax, castor oil, and isopropyl myristate, and add to the melted fats. When the mass has solidified, homogenize on the roller mill. The perfume oil, which is to aromatize the lipstick well, is added shortly before the melted excipient is poured. The aroma should amount to at least 1.5% in lipsticks. Raspberry, violet, and special rose notes are excellent for the purpose.

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