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    配方说明: White Non-Penetrating flat Paint
    配方组成: Lead Naphthenate, 24%/4.2
    "Asbestine" Pigment/90.7
    Cobalt Naphthenate, 6%/2.6
    "Ti-Cal" R-25 Pigment/533.0
    "ASA" Anti-Skinning Agent/1.0 or 1,186.5
    Non-Volatile Matter (Vehicle), wt%/33.0
    Aluminum Stearate Gel, 10%/20.9
    Pigment, wt %/56.4
    Bodied Linseed Oil, Z-9/128.5
    "Surfex" Calcium Carbonate/45.3
    "Panarez" 6-60 Resin Solution/43.8
    Mineral Spirits/316.5
    配制方法: The normal plant practice in preparing this paint would involve grinding in either a ball mill or a stone mill. In the laboratory preparation, one-half of the mineral spirits, all of the driers, and the antiskinning agent were withheld, and a paste was prepared with remaining components. This paste was given one pass through a 3-roll mill. The remaining mineral spirits, antiskinning agent and driers were then added.

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