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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Hot-Melt Bookbinding Adhesives
    配方组成: Microcrystalline Wax (145 F M.P.)/5.0
    Adhesion (Kraft-to-Kraft)---32 oz/in.
    Tensile Properties:
    "Acintol" R Type 3A/20.0
    Tensile strength---560 psi
    Elongation at break---950%
    Sealing Temp.---350 F
    Break energy---5875 in. lb/in.^2
    Visc. (@ 340 F)---2930 cps
    EVA (28% VA, 6 MI)/45.0
    "Zonarez" B-100/30.0
    Visc. (@ 350 F)---2640 cps
    配制方法: This adhesive offers excellent strength and moderate viscosity at coating temperatures, exhibits excellent adhesion to coated stocks, and resists cold cracking.

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