外观 Practically odorless, white to off-white powder
鉴别 • 红外 • 变色测试 • 液相 Concordant with WS. On heating, Violet vapour evolves The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the sample solution corresponds to that observed in the chromatogram of the S.S.solution
比旋度 (40% solution in water) - 4.6°~ - 5.2°
干燥失重 Not more than 0.5%
灼炽残渣 Not more than 0.1%
游离芳香胺 Not more than 200 ppm
游离碘 No red colour
游离碘化物 Not more than 0.001%
游离酸或碱 Acid not more than 5mg of HCL equivalent. Alkali not more than 3mg of NaOHequivalent