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    配方类型: DETERGENTS
    配方说明: Window and Glass Cleaner
    配方组成: Oil Lemongrass/1 oz
    Water/1 gal
    Methyl Violet Aniline/10 g
    White Soap Chips/2 oz
    Isopropyl Alcohol/0.5 gal
    配制方法: Dissolve the oil of lemongrass in the isopropyl alcohol. Dissolve the white soap chips inn the water by means of heat. Mix the soap solution with the isopropyl alcohol-oil of lemongrass mixture, and dissolve the methyl violet aniline inn the mixture.
    This glass cleaner is used for cleaning windows, automobile windshields, mirrors, etc. It removes smoke, dirt, etc., and leaves the glass clean and brilliant. It contains no alkali of any kind and will not injure painted or varnished woodwork or the finish or automobiles.
    Apply by spraying over the glass, or apply with a cloth, wiping off with a soft dry cloth.

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