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    配方说明: Barbecue Sauce
    配方组成: Water/225.0 ml
    Sugar/3.0 g
    Worcestershire Sauce/14.0 g
    Orange Juice Concentrate/22.0 g
    Tabasco Sauce/0.2 g
    Chili Powder/1.7 g
    Tomato Catsup/201.0 g
    Red Miso/150.0 g
    配制方法: All ingredients are first mixed in a Waring Blender. The mixture is brought to a boil and then simmered for 15-20 min. The sauce obtained has the consistency and color of conventional barbecue sauce, has 32.6% of reflectance, 16.6 of red values, and 17.7 of yellow values, as measured by a Hunterlab Model D25, color and color-difference meter. It contains 2.9% protein and 77% moisture.
    Note: If red miso is substituted for some of the tomato paste and the salt is omitted, the modified product is delicious on hamburger and other meats or as a barbecue sauce in which to cook and base chicken, pork, or beef. The ability to substitute other ingredients in this sauce is almost unlimited.

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