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    配方说明: Dry-Mix Low Sugar Imitation Jelly
    配方组成: Dextrose/77.01
    Adipic Acid/2.82
    Sodium Benzoate/2.02
    Gelcarin SA 426L Carrageenan/18.15
    配制方法: Disperse the blended dry ingredients by spoon stirring into a large saucepan containing 1 l of fruit juice. Heat the mixture while continuously stirring over medium heat until it boils; hold for 1 min at a boil. Pour into jelly jars and cap with tight fitting lids while solution is hot. Invert jars to insure pasteurization of caps. The spread may be stored unopened at room temperature-refrigerate after opening.
    Note: Maltodextrin may be used instead of dextrose for standardization.

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