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    配方说明: Dry-Mix Water Dessert Gels
    配方组成: Adipic Acid/2.10
    Gelcarin DG 425B/3.53
    Tripotassium Citrate/1.00
    Flavor and Color/to suit
    Gelcarin DG 437B/-
    配制方法: Pour 500 ml of boiling water into a mixing bowl containing the dry mix. Stir for 2 min or until fully dissolved. Pour the solution into a mold and allow to set quiescently at refrigerated or room temperature.
    Gels will be ready to consume in 1-2 h.
    Note: Adipic acid has been used because of its very low hygroscopic property, making it especially suited for package dry mixes. Fumaric acid may effectively be used with formulation modification regarding pH adjustment.

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