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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: High-Solids Baking Coating
    配方组成: *Alternate: Tung oil/alkali-refined linseed oil (60/40).
    Tung Oil*/135
    **Ethylbenzene/Cellosolve solvent/Rule 66-type mineral spirits
    Ucar Phenolic Resin CK-1634/100
    配制方法: Dissolve CK-1634 in solvent and add tung oil. Manganese drier (0.02% metal on oils) may be added to speed bake cure.
    Application: Apply and bake for 10 min at 400 F (204 C).
    Physical Properties: Visc. (Gardner K)---275 cP Oil Length---17 gal Nonvolatiles---79.7% Solids (vol.)---77%

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