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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Latex Stipple and Texture Interior Coating (Polyethylene)
    配方组成: Ti-Pure R-900-01/4.0
    Short Stuff Polyethylene 13 038F/2.0
    Celite 281/8.0
    Daxad 30 (25%)/1.0
    Mica (325 mesh)/4.0
    Methocel 65HG/0.5
    Everflex GT (55%)/14.0
    配制方法: Add one-half of the formula water to mixer. Begin agitation; add Daxad 30, Everflex GT, Short Stuff 13 038F and mica slowly and mix. Dry mix Methocel 65HG with a portion of Duramite and add this with the remainder of Duramite to the mix. Continue agitation until smooth. Add Ti-Pure R-900-01 and mix until smooth.. Slowly add the remainder of formula water followed by Celite 281 and PMA-30. Continue mixing until a homogeneous mix is obtained.
    Application: Brush, sponge or a wad of paper Note: This coating when applied to drywall, plaster, cement, or block wall substrates will provide a very attractive stipple or textured appearance. It should be applied by bursh in heavy coats at full weight.
    The coating, while still wet, should be hand finished with a wad of paper, brush, or damp sponge in a uniform manner to obtain the desired stipple or texture effect.
    A stippled or textured coating contains silicates such as micas that are suspended in the coating medium. When this type of coating is applied,

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