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    配方类型: DETERGENTS
    配方说明: Pet Stain Removal Carpet Cleaner
    配方组成: Ultrawet 42K/5
    Citric Acid/10
    配制方法: Directions: Saturate the stain area and brush to lather. Let stand 15 min. Brush to lather again and rinse with water and wiping with sponge.
    Note: Citric acid is used inn a formulation to treat pet urine stains on household carpets. Dog urine is generally about pH 8-9 which releases ammonia and other odors. Treating the stain with citric acid at pH 2 effectively eliminates the undesirable odors by forming their citrate salts which are not volatile. The residue can then be rinsed away with water.

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