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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Two-Component Elastomeric Caulking and Sealing Compound
    配方组成: Temperature limits ('F)/-25 to 200
    Physical Properties
    Cosan 31/0.5
    Calcined Clay/400.0
    To concrete (psi)/380
    To steel (psi)/435
    Calcined Clay/600.0
    Triol (m.w. 3000)/150.0
    Viplex 525 or 885/200.0
    Viplex 525 or 885/125.0
    Teracol 2900/429.0
    Tensile strength (psi)/780
    A: TDI/91.0
    Elongation (%)/690
    B: Diol (m.w. 2000)/600.0
    hardness (Shore A)/25
    配制方法: Note: The use of Viplex 525 or Viplex 885 enhances elongation and flexibility while improving the moisture resistance of the caulking and sealing compounds. These improvements should be beneficial in aiding the compounds to endure the stresses expected by weather, vibration, and other dynamic forces.

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