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    strawberry jam, imitation

    配方组成: sodium benzoate/0.05
    tap water/8.00
    gellan gum (low acetyl)/0.40
    citric acid (anhydrous)/0.40
    "frodex" corn syrup solids (42-DE)/15.00
    faozen strawberries (thawed)/40.00
    potassium sorbate/0.05
    配制方法: dry-blend the gellan gum with 60 g fo sucrose. with agitation, disperse the gellan gum in 80 g of tap water. while stirring, heat the dispersion to 160 F and maintain the 160 F temperature for a total of 15 min. combine the remaining dry ingredients with the strawberries. stir and heat the berry mixture to 160 F. combine the gum solution with the berry mixture. continue stirring over a low flame until the mixture reaches 65% soluble solids. pour into jars. cool to room temperature or under refrigeration.

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