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    配方类型: COATINGS
    配方说明: Marine Coating (Used over Epoxy or Inorganic Zinc Primer)
    配方组成: Bond over Galvanized (psi)/5270
    Hardness (Barcol)/78
    Physical Properties
    Viplex 885/26
    Epon 828/100
    Dielectric Strength (v/mil)/400
    Bond to Mild Steel, shear (psi)/>9000
    Butyl Glycidyl Ether/-
    Bond over Epoxy Primer (psi)>9000
    Bond over Inorganic Zinc (psi)/6845
    配制方法: Notes: In addition to the improved physical properties, the formulation with Viplex 885 will reduce water absorption, improve flexibility, and will improve corrosion resistance.

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