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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Unplasticized Drinking Straw or Paper Cup Adhesive
    配方组成: Foamicide 581B/0.12 Pounds
    Daratak 95L (or 17-200)/100.00 Pounds
    Total Solids/47-49%
    Elvanol 72-60, 8% solution/11.30 Pounds
    Viscosity/800-900 cps
    配制方法: Prepare a stock solution of Elvanol. Heat for 20-25 minutes at 180-190'F. Water required for solids control may be added to this stock solution. Add Daratak 17-200 and Foamicide 581B to polyvinyl alcohol slurry and stir until an homogeneous mixture is obtained. Use water to adjust total solids and viscosity.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码