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    配方类型: COSMETICS
    配方说明: Conditioning Shampoo
    配方组成: Water/54.80
    Propylene Glycol/2.00
    Stepanol WAT/18.50
    Celquat SC-240/0.70
    Citric Acid/0.50
    Germaben II/0.50
    Monamid 1034/4.00
    Monateric 805/18.80
    配制方法: Dissolve Celquat SC-240 in half of the water by sifting into water while mixing. In a separate vessel, combine all remaining ingredients except citric acid. When both solutions are complete, add the Celquat solution to the surfactant solution while mixing. When homogeneous, add citric acid and mix until dissolved.

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