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    配方说明: Wood's Meal Substitute for Pipe Bending
    配方组成: Triethanolamine/1
    Calcium Sulfate or Other Inert Filler/5
    Ethyl Cellulose/15
    配制方法: Melt the beeswax, stir in the triethanolamine and calcium sulfate, and heat to 350'F., with stirring. Then add the ethyl cellulose slowly to avoid lumps and stir till smooth. The mass may be poured at about 300'F. By increasing the amount of ethyl cellulose, it is possible to obtain stronger waxlike substitutes, at the expense of pourability.
    Other waxes which may be used include candelilla, carnauba, and montan.
    the formula will not work with mycrocrystalline, ozokerite, and paraffin waxes. If the compound is too sticky, add more filler.
    For production bending of small tubes, the casting formula may be cast into slightly tapered rods, which can be driven into the tubing to be bent. After bending, heat the parts in an oven at 350'F. and blow out the wax blown in by air pressure, or allow the parts to soak overnight in a lacquer solvent to remove the wax.

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