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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Polyethylene Emulsions
    配方组成: Morpholine/8
    Emulsifiable "A-C"/40
    Oleic Acid/8
    配制方法: Melt the "A-C" Polyethylene and add the oleic acid, avoiding overheating. With the melt temperature at 248-266'F., add the morpholine. (Care must be taken to prevent boiling out the morpholine.) there is a sufficient excess to allow for minor evaporation. Avoid open flames since morpholine has a flash point of 100'F.
    While "A-C" Polyethylene is being melted, heat the water (bring to a boil and turn off heat just before using).
    With rapid stirring (but below.speed at which air is whipped in), slowly add the melt to the water (1-3 minutes). During the addition, the temperature of the melt should be 239-257'F. and the water 203-210'F.
    (not boiling). Add the melt at a steady rate to the top of the vortex formed by the stirring action (the melt stream should not hit the beaker side or the stirrer shaft). With proper addition the melt will spiral down the vortex and be emulsified enroute. If stirring speed is too low or rate of addition too high the melt will accumulate in the vortex and impair the q

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