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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Liquid Solvent Wax
    配方组成: Paraffin Wax (126-130'F. AMP)/10
    "Duroxon" E-321/9
    Mineral Spirits/80
    Microcrystalline Wax (150/160'F.)/1
    配制方法: Small quantities of nonionic emulsifiers may be added to liquid solvent wax formulations. Such emulsifiers prevent agglomeration of crystalline particles and improve gel-formation. Emulsifiers of the type "Igepal" CO-880, "Emulphor" ON-870, "Hoechst" 2106, "Atlas" G-3960, and others suitable for this purpose. They are melted together with the waxes.
    The liquid wax dispersions described in the preceding paragraph may be prepared according to the following procedure: Heat the waxes until a clear melt results. For this, a temperature of 212 to 230'F. is recommended. Then start the agitation and add the solvent in a steady stream, making sure that the temperature never drops below 185'F. Where limitations in plant equipment do not permit the melting of the waxes at the temperatures indicated, the melt with the solvent should be held at 185 to 190'F. with agitation for a certain length of time in order to assure complete solution of the highest melting wax components and any polyethylene in the formula. This

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