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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Bright Drying Floor Wax Emulsion
    配方组成: Dibutyl Phthalate/3.3
    Water/To make 712.0
    C: "Durez" 15546 resin/140.0
    Ammonia (28%)/21.8
    A: "Duroxon" J-324/100.0
    (16% solids)
    B: "Ubatol" U-2003 @40%/100.0
    Oleic Acid/14.0
    Plasticizer KP-140/2.6
    配制方法: Final Composition (Add in the order listed) A: 36.5 Water: 26.0 B: 23.5 C: 14.0 It is recommended that A be prepared by the "wax-to-water" method. This emulsion should be almost completely transparent. Best leveling is usually obtained after the final composition has been allowed to stand undisturbed for at least 24 hours.

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