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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Nonrubbing Floor Wax
    配方组成: Water/88.35
    "Triton" X-100/1.50
    North-Country Carnauba Wax No.3/4.65
    "Cardis" 319 Wax/4.65
    配制方法: Melt and mix and the waxes in a steam-jacketed kettle (or in a water bath, etc.), add the "Triton," and stir in until dissolved; then mix in the morpholine. Slowly add boiling water, a small portion at a time homogeneously absorbed, with constant agitation, until the first-formed water-in-oil emulsion suddenly inverts to oil-in-water. Then add the balance of the water more rapidly, with agitation. Let cool.
    If making up a small amount, e.g., 5 gal. or less, hand stirring is sufficient for the agitation, but mechanical agitation is still to be preferred.
    The final one third or one quarter of the water can be added cold and mixed in. After the preparation is made up to volume, it is not necessary to continue the agitation while cooling.
    Resin or shellac solutions (10 to 20%) can be stirred in hot or cold, as is the common practice with water-emulsion floor waxes.

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