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    配方说明: Preventing Discoloration in Laundry Operations
    配制方法: "Tetrine"* chelates calcium and magnesium more effectively than the complex phosphates and, in addition, chelates iron, copper, nickel, and other heavy metals when present. Thus, metallic soaps cannot deposit on the goods when sufficient "Tetrine" is used.
    In the soap tank, depending on conditions, 3 to 20 lb. of sodium "Tetrine" liquid conc. are used per 100 lb. of dry soap.
    In the first rinse, at 3-gr. hardness per gallon of water, 2 oz. sodium "Tetrine" liquid conc. are used per 100 lb. of clothes washed. The quantity should be reduced if suds from regenerated soap overflow the machine.
    In the sour, a 10% solution of sodium "Tetrine" liquid conc., acidulated with laundry sour to a pH of 4.5 to 3.5, will remove heavy iron stains without degradation of coton fibres. Application of heat hastens reaction. The goods should be thoroughly rinsed after treatment.
    *Sodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate.

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