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    配方说明: Coccidiosis Remedy
    配方组成: 95% Sodium Hydroxide/9 lb. 14 oz.
    Sulfaquinoxaline/33 lb. 2 oz.
    Deionized Water/35 gal.
    Deionized Water/To make 100 gal.
    配制方法: It is important to use stainless-steel equipment and to stir the ingredients into the water slowly, to avoid getting too much air, especially carbon dioxide, into the solution. After the sodium hydroxide is dissolved, the sulfa drug is added, and finally the required amount of water poured in. The solution should stand in covered stainless-steel tanks for at least 12 hours (overnight), then filtered over three filter papers, and bottled immediately. For parenteral solutions, but not for those used orally or externally, the replacement of the air in the bottles with inert nitrogen gas is recommended. The bottles must be kept tightly closed.

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