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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Abrasive Diamond Paste
    配制方法: Diamond powder, compounded in an oily medium in the form of a paste for lapping and polishing, is becoming increasingly important in many industrial applications. It is an economical diamond-powder application, especially where good adhesion to the grain is required, such as when fast rotating laps are employed. In addition, as a paste, the abrasive is easier to handle and store than loose diamond powder or powder that has been mixed with a light oily substance, such as olive oil.
    The value of such a paste is apparent for two main reasons. First, the work can be cleaned readily and thoroughly by application of water for occasional inspection during and on completion of the lapping, polishing, or cutting operations. Second, the salvage of the used diamond powder is greatly simplified since, on adding water to the paste, the diamond powder together with the abraded metallic particles will settle.
    The following properties were found to be desirable for the paste: 1. Solubility or dispersibility in wate

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