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    配方说明: Mechanic's Abrasive Soap
    配方组成: Sodium Tripolyphosphate/3.5
    Wood Flour/15.0
    92% Granulated Tallow Soap/25.0
    Soda Ash/6.5
    Sodium Benzoate/1.0
    Pine sawdust/60.0
    配制方法: The blended wood flour and sawdust are added to the hot soap solution with stirring, the temperature being maintained at about 150'F.
    The sodium benzoate is now added and the product is thickened by sifting in the powdered soda ash and tripolyphosphate. The perfume is stirred in just before pouring.
    Instead of sawdust and wood flour, an equivalent volume of any other suitable abrasive can be used. Powdered pumice, silica flour, or rice ash (silica mineral obtained by controlled combustion of rice hulls) can be used separately or in combination. A suitable low-cost perfume can be prepared by blending two or more essential oils, such as oils of lemongrass, cloves, sassafras, eucalyptus, citronella, and rosemary.

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