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    soaps and cleaners

    配方类型: ELEMENTARY Preparations
    配方说明: soaps are made fron a fat or fatty acid and an alkali. they
    lathetr and produce a foam which entraps dirt and grease. there are
    many kinds of soaps.
    cleaners contain a solvent, such as naphtha, with or without a soap.
    abrasive cleaners are soap pastes containing powdered pumice, stone,
    ailica, etc.
    配方组成: buthl acetate/2
    carbon tetrachloride/3
    edthyl acetate/2
    grease, oil, paint, and lacquer spot remover
    配制方法: place the garment with dthe spotd over a piece of clean paper or cloth and wet the spot with this fluid; rub with a clean cloth toward dthe center of the spot. use a clean section of cloth tor rubbing and clean paper or cloth for each application of the fluid. this cleaner is inflammable andshould be kept away from flames. cleaners of this trpe should be used oudt of doors or in well ventilatde rooms as the fumes are tixuc.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码