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    配方说明: Woven Fabrics Durable Hand Finishes
    配方组成: "Cyanalube" Softener TSI Special/2
    Pick-up, 65% on dry weight of fabric. Dry 6 min at 225 F. Press and
    cure fabric 12 min at 340 F.
    Formula No.3 (50/50 Polyester/Cotton Suiting Material
    "Cyanalube" Softener TSI Special/2
    "Cyanatex" Softener HP/2
    "Aerotex" Resin DHB Special/8
    "Aerotex" Reactant 900/25
    "Aerotex" Resin DHB Special/4
    "Cyanatex" Softener HP/1
    "Aerotex" Accelerator MX or No.9/5
    "Cyanalube" Softener TSI Special/3
    "Aerotex" Accelerator DC/5
    "Aerotex" Reactant 901/30
    "Aerotex" Reactant 901/25
    "Aerotex" Resin DHB Special/10
    "Aerotex" Accelerator DC/6
    配制方法: Pick-up, 60% on dry weight of fabric. Dry 2 min at 340'F. Cure 1.5 min at 350'F.

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码