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    配方说明: Bleaching Ground Wood Pulp
    配方组成: Caustic Soda/1.0
    Magnesium Sulfate/0.05
    The amounts can be varied slightly depending on bleaching
    temperature and pulp consistency.
    In some cases a combination of sodium peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are
    used in order to avoid the handling of caustic.
    A liquor which is useful for bleaching groundwood pulp on either a
    batch or continuous basis is made up as follows (quantities given are
    added to water to make a 3,000 gallon batch)
    Magnesium Sulfate/20 lb
    "N" Sodium Silicate/5.0
    "N" Sodium Silicate/3,940 lb
    Na2O2/400 lb
    H2O2/217 lb
    配制方法: These materials ar mixed in the order given, and the liquor is used at the rate of 92 gal per ton of dry pulp.

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