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    配方说明: "Soil Sterilant" (Bare Ground) Control
    配制方法: Apply bromacil [(Hyvar X (15 to 30 pounds) or Hyvar X-L) at (6 to 12 gallons)] per 100-200 gallons water for each acre to be sprayed. Add 1 to 2 quarts surfactant if spraying during growing season. This controls all herbaceous vegetation, most brush species, and some woody vines.
    Care should be exercised to avoid spraying where this herbicide will leach down into the soil and injure shade trees or other desirable plants.
    Apply granular formulations containing sodium chlorates and/or borates in combination with either prometone (Pramitol 5-PS), bromacil(Hyvar X), Karmex or Atratol at suggested rates. (See list of "Common Granular or Liquid Soil Sterilants.")

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