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    配方说明: Woodpecker Repellant
    配方组成: Painting poles with creosote or other type paints do not deter
    woodpeckers as they use their bills as a chisel and it does not get in
    their mouths. As woodpeckers must have a starting point, a small hole or
    crack, fill up all holes or cracks in the pole with a non-toxic putty.
    This paste to contain an offensive taste repellant. Also as the holes
    and cracks are used by various insects, an insecticide is added. This
    paste is weatherproof and long lasting, forms a thin hard crust on the
    outside and remains pliable underneath.
    Black dye/0.15 lb.
    Flake naphthalene/1.75 lb.
    Anthraquinone/50 g.
    Caulking compound/1 gal.
    配制方法: Mix well.

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