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    配方说明: Activating Plastics for Metallizing
    配方组成: Sensitizing is followed very closely by one or two thorough rinses
    in high-purity water and immediate immersion in the activator solution.
    The purpose of the activator is to put a thin catalytic layer of a noble
    metal on the surface of the nonmetal. The activators are generally made
    up of noble metal chlorides, but other complexes (hydroxide---Pd(OH)6-)
    may be used and, where silver is used, the ammoniacal nitrate is
    preferred (silver mirroring technique). Platinum, silver, gold, rhodium,
    and palladium have all been used, with the latter two being the most
    common today. A typical palladium solution is
    Hydrochloric acid/10 m/l
    Palladium chloride/1 g/l
    配制方法: Room temperature,1/2 to 2 minute immersion.

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