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    配方说明: Anodizing
    配方组成: 0-8 g/l oxalic acid
    1.5 g/l Aluminium Golden Orange RLW; pH 5
    1.5 g/l Aluminium Orange G; pH 5.5
    2 g/l Aluminium Copper 2RLW; pH 4.5
    1.5 g/l Aluminium Red GlW; pH 4.5
    3 g/l Aluminium Red RLW; pH 5.5
    Weight of film (mg/cm^2)
    1.5 A/dm^2, 20'C; 30 min
    Film thickness (/mm):
    190 g/l H2SO4
    15 min; 60'C; with different dyestuffs:
    10 g/l Aluminium Deep Black MLW; pH 4.5
    1 g/l Aluminium Fast Yellow 4 GL; pH 5
    Oxalic acid addition (g/l)
    0.7 g/l Aluminium Fast Gold L; pH 5
    配制方法: The film thickness and weight do not depend on the oxalic acid addition. The porosity of the film is decreased from 16% to approximately 14% when using up to 5 g/l oxalic acid; when higher amounts of oxalic acid are added, the porosity remains practically constant. The dye adsorption capacity, however, is distinctly decreased and this decrease varies very much from dyestuff to dyestuff. Half of the eight tested dyes show a decrease at 8 g/l oxalic acid of less than 10%, whereas Aluminium Red RLW shows a decrease of 45% and Aluminium Deep Black MLW of 25%.

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