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    配方说明: Sulfuric Acid Gel
    配方组成: "Goodrite" K-702/4.3% to 6.5%
    Ethylene glycol/29% to 42%
    Sulfuric acid/35%
    Water/17% to 31%
    配制方法: Adjust to make formulation total 100%.
    Ethylene glycol, water and K-702 are mixed together in the desired concentration. Concentrated sulfuric acid is then added slowly until the total concentration is 35%. Stir gently until solution is uniform.
    Notes: When the sulfuric acide is added, the solution becomes hot. As the solution cools, a viscous gel starts to form. Allow the gel to stand to obtain full gel strength. Several hours may be required. As the concentration of ethylene glycol is increased, viscosity and clarity of the gels increase. A white gummy precipitate is formed in all cases all of the stearate becomes dissolved, as indicated by a clear appearance of the oil. With some oils an interim hot gelling phase will be observed during cooking. Cooling to bring about final gelation can be accomplished in open pans, on chilled rolls, in automatic heat-exchanging equipment or in the cooking kettle. For kettle cooling, only intermittent agitation is suggested. In some formulations a higher work sta

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