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    配方类型: ADHESIVES
    配方说明: Automobile weld Through Seam Sealer
    配方组成: "Circosol" 380/250
    Zinc Oxide/5
    "Unicel" S/4
    Antimony Trioxide/10
    "Paragon" Clay/200
    "Chlorowax" 50/30
    Stearic Acid/3
    "Solprene" 1205/100
    "Schenectady" SP-567 Resin/20
    "Hi-Sil" 233/25
    "Wingstay" S/2
    配制方法: Mix Cycle in Baker Perkins Mixer: Soften "Solprene" 1205 in hot mixer, than add clay and oil alternately to maintain good mixing. Add Hi-Sil, zinc oxide, stearic acid, resin and stabilizer. Cool batch to 150'F or below and add balance of materials.

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