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    配方类型: POLISHES
    配方说明: Liquid Furniture Polish
    配方组成: Water/73.0
    BeeSwax/2.15 %/wt.
    Propellant 12/15.0
    GE SM-2033 Emulsion (35% Silicone)/4.00
    GE SM-2033 Emulsion (35% Silicone)/2.00
    20% "Petrolite" C-36 Wax Emulsion/2.00
    "Carbopol" 934/0.30
    Formalin Solution (37%)/0.10
    C-36 Wax/20.0
    Oleic Acid/3.0
    Stearic acid/2.87 %/wt.
    "Isopar" E/80.5
    "GE" SF-96 (1000) Fluid/3.5
    "GE" "Viscasil" (10,000) Fluid/1.5
    "Hoechst" Wax S/3.0
    "Hoechst" Wax E/7.0
    "Petrolite" C-700/4.0
    Paraffin 130'F/134'F/8.0
    "AMSCO" Special Naphtholite/23.0
    Mineral Spirits/50.0
    "Deobase"/25.10 %/wt.
    Water/63.50 %/wt.
    Carnauba wax/4.31 %/wt.
    20% "Petrolite" C-36 Emulsion/3.5
    "SF"-96 (1000)/2.0
    Water/1.00 %/wt.
    "Duroxon" J-324/2.0
    "Isopar" E/32.5
    "Span" 80/0.2
    "GE" SF-96 (500)/1.7
    "GE" SF-96 (1000)/1.7
    "Esso" Wax 5010/0.5
    配制方法: 1. Heat the components of Part A together to 100'C (212'F) and hold at this temperature until all waxes are melted.
    2. Add Part B (unheated) slowly with blending.
    3. Reheat the mixture A-B to 60'C (140'F) or until almost clear.
    Continue stirring until mixture reaches 50'C (122'F).
    4. Pour into chilled containers.
    1. Using a damp cloth, apply a uniform film spread evenly over a 2.5' x 2.5' area.
    2. Immediately after application, wipe with a clean, dry cloth.
    3. Buff to a high gloss with a second clean, dry cloth.

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