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    配方说明: Vat Color Printing Paste
    配方组成: Cold water/61 liters
    Dissolve the "Solvitose" in the water, then ad
    "Solvitose" C5/5 kg
    Cold water/75 litres
    "Solvitose" C5/7 kg
    "Rongalite" C or "Formosul"/6 kg
    Potash/10 kg
    Glycerin/4 kg
    "Rongalite" C or "Formosul"/10 kg
    Potash/16 kg
    Glycerin/4 kg
    配制方法: In cases where good and fast penetration of the printing paste is essential (screen printing machines, wet on wet printing), a pure Solvitose C5 thickening will give a very high colour yield but usually rather poor penetration. In such cases it is recommended to replace part of the Solvitose C5 by a thickener having a higher penetration power, e.g., an alkali resistant alginate, a galactomannan derivative (e.g., "Solvitose" Gum OFC). Such a combination will give a somewhat lower colour yield but better penetration of the printing paste.

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