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    配方说明: Chemical Conditioning of Coated Plexiglas Parts for Selective Chrome
    配制方法: A.
    a. Immerse parts in "Enplate" Conditioner 470 (specific gravity: 1.550) for one of the following approximate combinations of time and temperature:* 5 minutes at 80'F 4 minutes at 100'F 30 seconds at 120'F b. Rinse.
    c. Immerse in 'Enplate" AD-480 Neutralizer for 15 to 30 seconds.
    d. Rinse e. Immerse in "Enplate" 432 Sensitizer for one minute.
    f. Immerse in still water without agitation for 20 seconds.
    g. Rinse again throughly with cold running water.
    h. Immerse in "enplate" 440 Activator for one minute.
    i. Rinse.
    J. Immerse in 10 percent ammonium hydroxide solution, with stirring, for 10 minutes to dissolve the stop-off coating.
    k . Rinse.
    l. Immerse in "Enplate" CU-400 Electroless Copper Plate Solution for 10 to 30 minutes.
    m. rinse and electroplate immediately. If this cannot be done, and the parts are allowed to dry before plating, dip in 15 percent sulfuric acid solution and rinse before electroplating.
    a. Immerse parts in "Macuplex" XJ

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