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    配方说明: Ceramic Refractory
    配制方法: In this typical formulation the gelation agent is a 0.6% ammonia solution. This formulation should be used if the desired working time ranges between 1/2 to 10 minutes.
    1. Prepare the aggregate, with the desired particle distribution to achieve the necessary physical characteristics. Mix thr particles thoroughly so as to achieve maximum particle distribution.
    2. Measure a given volume of "SILBONE" binder; this volume will be determined by your individual needs. Generally, a 1 to 10 ratio of binder to refractory by weight should be sufficient.
    3. Prepare an ammonia solution by diluting 1-3 volume of 30% ammonia with 50 volumes of water.
    4. Add to the binder between 4-10% by volume of the prepared ammonia solution. The gel time is controlled by the amount of ammonia solution added to the binder. for example, if 4% by volume of ammonia solution is added, the gel time should be about 10 minutes. If 10% by volume is added, the gel time should be about 1/2 minute.
    5. Add the refractory mixt

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