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    配方类型: EMULSIONS
    配方说明: "PICCOLLOID" Emulsion
    配方组成: Conco" AAS-50-T/0.33
    Water (3)/11.04
    Water (1)/6.00
    2% solution "Cellosize" QP-4400/12.23
    Water (2)/6.00
    配制方法: Charge all the "PICCOLLOID" solution and "Conco" AAS-50-T to the high-speed mixer and agitate for about 5 min at high speed. Add watr (1) a little at a time, allowing each addition to mix in before adding the next and raising the mixing blade as required to maintain an open vortex. Continue this procedure with water (2). Inversion should occur near the end of portion (1) or while adding the first part of (2). After inversion, raise the mixing blade until it is near the surface and add small amounts of water around the blade until the batch begins to roll over again, then add water around the sides of the tank until roll-over becomes rapid. All the remaining water and thickener solution may be added as quickly as desired. Agitate for a few minutes to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

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