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    配方类型: EMULSIONS
    配方说明: "Castorwax" Emulsion
    配方组成: Stearic acid/2.14
    "Triton" X-100/0.53
    配制方法: Melt the "Castorwax" and stearic acid together and bring to a temperature of about 212'F. At the same time add the triethanolamine and "Triton" X-100 to about one third of the total water and bring to its boiling point. Add the melted "Castorwax"-acid mix slow to the TEA water solution with rapid agitation. While the temperature is still above 200'[F, run the emulsion through a colloid mill several times to ensure a small particle size. The remaining water at about 200'F can then be added to the emulsion in the colloid mill. Cool the mixture slowly to room temperature with continued agitation.

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