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    配方类型: LUBRICANTS
    配方说明: Metal Working Fluid (Cutting oil)
    配方组成: type from any major oil company. A uniform product can be obtained with
    simple mixing and warming to 120-125'F if necessary. The concentrate is
    Add "Triton" X-100 to one third of the water and heat to 212'F. Add
    "Aerosol" C-61 to "Castorwax" and heat to 212'F. When the
    "Castorwax"-"Aerosol" C-61 mix begins to foam or boil, remove from the
    heat and add slowly to the water with very rapid agitation. The
    temperature of the water must be maintained above 200'F during the
    addition of the 'Castorwax" so that the temperature, after all the
    "Castorwax" has been added, remains above 200'F. continue stirring,
    allowing the temperature to fall slowly to approximately 170'F. When the
    temperature has fallen to 170'F the remaining two-thirds of the water
    can be worked in slowly, with moderate agitation. Emulsions of castorwax
    containing cationic emulsifiers tend to thicken as they cool after all
    the water has been added. Homogenize or violently agitate the ba

    其他库:化学品法规 国家标准 化学品安全数据库(msds) 外贸常识 合同范本 报关指南 商检指南 国际区号 国家代码